Rainbow Gathering 2001
photographs by Brian Foley 
aka bfly 
bigsmile1 brandy centercircle1 christina christinadidg conch1
conch2 crow cuddlepuddle dome entrysign gypsies
hitcher jerusalemspace lovinovens medicineman medicinewheel melisagreg
onthepath prayercenter rockgarden rock garden 2 rock garden 3 writer poet
singingsong stream tipitown trees1
The Rainbow Gathering was held near Stanley, Idaho in 2001. It is a very beautiful and tranquil location on native holy burial land and at the headwaters of the Salmon River. Aside from Air Force jets buzzing over the site everyday that is. I could only be there 3 days, and unfortunately I slept thru the 4th of July's silence. The Talent show was great this year, I have some awesome video footage of it, especially of Rocker T. I met some amazing brothers and sisters, which was the highlight of the event for me. Brothers and sisters from the Indian Nations attended and opened the Medicine Wheel up to the Rainbow Family. Many offered prayers and thanksgiving, and the Spirit felt strong and tangible among the people. 

When the power of Love is greater than the love of Power 
there will be Peace. 

Amen to that! 

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